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Dear Theo : by Gogh, Vincent Van.

Publication: New York : Penguin, 1995 . 480 p. 24 Date: 1995

dear theo is a compilation of letters sent to theo, vincent's younger brother. in it, you get to witness the transformation of vincent as a person from clergyman trainee to pencil artist to painter. his letters also shed light on vincent's thoughts and mental process. it is a good resource to get a better understanding of some of his art.

Cofessions / by Augustine,

Publication: Oxford : O. U. P., 1992 . xxix, 311 p. 29 Date: 1992

augustine confesses on the most trivial things. Makes me feel like a big sinner gracing through the book. Not a great read, but tells why Augustine came back to religion after a "pilgrimage" and to becoming a Saint. I haven't read the full thing but it really requires you to give it time. Added 12/07/2023 by John Gitahi

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